Thursday, September 26, 2013

O'FuckU is a liar-in-chief and promoter of violence

1 comment:

  1. For the past four years, here is a crowd of hateful crybabies who have been definitely the most disrespectful of a sitting President surely in American History (F.Y.I to the extremist right, YES HE IS the President).

    Obama isn’t a great President (personally I think neither Romney or Obama are worthy choices), but the idea that he is Muslim, homosexual, a dictator, evil, anti-American, etc is silly. You clearly don’t agree with his politics, but that is no cause to be insulting and/or invent things.

    I would argue that Obama isn’t destroying America … the ideological impass between the Democrats and Republicans is. The President can’t destroy the US, nor can he rescue it. The reality is that the President can damage the economy but can’;t rescue it. Anyone who thinks Romney … who has only got experience bankrupting companies and moving jobs offshore … can help the economy with a plan he won’t define (but experts say doesn’t hold water) is plainly delusional.

    It’s no mystery here that I’ve been critical of many of Obama’s policies, however, I have spoken out when he has been unfairly characterized or treated by the right-wing media or absurd wing-nuts (some of whom post on this blog) in a variety of ways which contradict each other, and NONE of which Obama is: Liberal, Marxist, Communist, Socialist, A Muslim, anti-American, not American, gay, traitor, Usurper, an Enemy of America, a Racist, a Narcissist, a Liar, and on and on. In an alphabet of lies from the right I posted, I’ve said this fact once, I’ll say it again. The only reason the party of hypocritical louts choose to call Barack Obama a Marxist, Communist, Muslim is for the sole purpose that they cannot call him what they really want to call him, and that is NIGGER!

    Most notably, the patrons of hate radio (or talk radio) such as Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and the worst of all, Rush “The head racist” Limbaugh.

    Finally, the constant calls for impeachment. It seems that the haters need to look up the word, why else explain the sick mentality from the racist right don’t understand that for the last four years, Barack Obama has NOT done a damn thing worth being impeached over, and if they say he has, I assure you 100% that reason is ONLY because he’s black.

    Not because he “Ineligible”. He has proven time and time again he was born in America, NOT Kenya as the racist right falsely claim.

    Not because his birth certificate is a “fake”. It has been proven time and time again that his birth certificate (both short and long form) are legit under the state of Hawaii, NOT ANYWHERE ELSE!

    But only because he’s NOT a War-mongering, Money hungry, oil-loving white man.

    So in closing, you hypocritical racists are in NO position to be calling Barack Obama a liar of any kind, when for the last four years, he has faced constant, unrelenting, mean-spirited, dishonest criticism since before he took office and every day since. His patriotism has been questioned by every member of the right wing echo chamber especially FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh, every single day he has served. He has been called a socialist, communist, Nazi, Marxist, traitor, foreign, un-American, liar, magic negro, halfrican and worse. He has suffered innumerable lies about his ideology, religion, family and even his place of birth. No other president in the history of this country has faced such unfounded open hostility and disrespect. No other president has ever been called a liar by a member of congress during a State of the Union, no other president has had to show his birth certificate…repeatedly.

    Right-Wing America: We Screwed up the country, but thanks for blaming on the Black guy
